The artist’s tarot

New MOon

nEW magic

Learn to read Tarot like an artist!

I designed these guided, art-based journals to help creatives tap into their artistic intuition.


Wild & witchy souls,

I am beyond excited to share with you a creation that has been whispering in my heart for so long: The Artist’s Tarot journals, now available on Amazon. These journals are magical tools designed to help you demystify any Tarot deck and foster a deeper connection with your intuitive self and the power of your creativity.

The journals guide you through the process I used to learn the Tarot. The prompts will help you amplify your intuition and unfold the unique alchemy of symbols and resonances each Tarot card holds for you.

Your creativity and spiritual journey are two sides of the same coin, and I designed these guided art-based journals to be the bridge between them, helping you uplevel your creativity and align more deeply with your spiritual highest self through your use of the Tarot.


A series of 3 journals covers the entire Tarot deck:

  • Book 1: Major Arcana

  • Book 2: Court cards

  • Book 3: The Pips

For all my artists, healers, seekers, and witches who dare to journey inward, find The Artist’s Tarot on Amazon today.

with Peace,



Altered Altar Boxes


2023 Moon calendar