August’s Twin Moons
August is presenting us with a unique celestial spectacle this year. This August is bookended by two full moons, a rare occurrence that adds a touch of magic to our summer nights. Not only that, but both moons are supermoons. Supermoons occur when the moon is at its closest point to Earth in its orbit, making it appear larger and brighter in the sky. So the two biggest and brightest full moons of the year are August’s twin moons.
This August, let's embrace the magic of the twin full moons. These celestial events offer a unique opportunity to connect with the universe and our place within it. As we move from the Sturgeon Moon at the beginning of the month to the Super Blue Moon at the end, we can pause to wonder at the cosmos and the unique arc of energy that runs through August as we approach summer’s end.
Twin Moons
Tarot Spread
This 9-card spread provides a holistic view of the lunar cycle over three areas, offering insights into your creative journey, spiritual self-care, and the actions needed to manifest your intentions. It's a guide to navigating this unique lunar cycle with authenticity and purpose.
Part 1: Invitation to Creative Energies and Influences
What creative energies are calling to you during this lunar cycle? This card represents the artistic influences and inspirations coming your way.
2. Depth
What deep, inner wisdom can guide your creativity? This card represents the inner knowledge and intuition that can enhance your artistic expression.
3. Rarity
What unique or unexpected creative opportunities are arising? This card represents the unique, once-in-a-blue-moon creative ideas or opportunities that you may encounter.
Part 2: Spiritual Self-Care and Authenticity
4. Nurturing
How can you nurture your spirit during this lunar cycle? This card represents self-care practices or activities that can replenish your spiritual energy.
5. Honoring Authenticity
How can you stay true to yourself during this time? This card represents the values, beliefs, or aspects of your identity that you should honor and express.
6. Reflecting
What is your inner self revealing to you? This card represents the insights, truths, or aspects of your inner self that are being illuminated.
Part 3: Manifesting in Action
7. Momentum
What actions can you take to manifest your intentions? This card represents the steps or actions that can bring your intentions to fruition.
8. Amplification
What is being magnified or needs more focus in your life? This card represents the areas of your life where you should concentrate your efforts.
9. Abundance
What will come to fruition by the end of this lunar cycle? This card represents the outcomes or manifestations of your efforts.
As you draw each card, take a moment to reflect on its symbolism and how it relates to your current situation. Remember, the Tarot is a tool for introspection and personal growth. It's a way to tap into your intuition and gain insights into your life.
As we move through August, from the Sturgeon Moon to the Super Blue Moon, let's use this time to reflect, grow, and embrace the magic of the lunar cycle.